So You Can Finally Stop Working Full-Time Behind The Chair And Make Money Even While Your BarberShop Is CLOSED
"My Barbershop business is what made me wealthy... Imagine you wake up in the morning and your Barbershop has already generated $income without you opening the doors yet " 

Does This Sound Familiar…

You’ve got a dream to start a barbershop business or make a fortune as a barber.

Maybe got into the Barbershop game for your own personal reasons. 

Maybe it helps you express your creativity as an artist. 

Maybe you’re in it because you take a lot of pride in working hard..

Whatever the reason, it’s a sure bet you’d like to make 6 figures as a barber quickly and on "auto-pilot" so you can enjoy your life... instead of being stuck behind the chair all the time!

But The Reality Is...

You’re spending your days stuck in your barbershop, sitting in your chair tirelessly waiting for people to text, call, or walk in. 

You’re juggling multiple hats. Your salon is messy. Your books are total chaos. You don’t have time to look over the “business side of things” because you are too busy working with your own clients.

You’re working yourself to the bone during your full business hours, every day, and every hour your doors are open, but you’re still winding up with just a tight wallet. 

You maybe manage to cover your expenses (most months) but you wish you could make more money to pay your bills and have a nice chunk left over (instead of working a second job just to make ends meet)

You’re just TIRED of seeing your competitors be more successful, when you KNOW you’re more talented and committed than they are. 

I want you to understand one thing right now!

None Of This Is Your Fault

I was you once.

When I was a barber apprentice, I had so many long days of sitting in my chair, wondering if I could really do it, if I had what it took to be a barber.

 My client base was slim to none, my minimum wage, part-time, night job was keeping me afloat, and I didn’t see a way out.

I didn’t want to be just ANY barber. I wanted to be “THAT” barber. That’s why I spent thousands of dollars on mentors and coaches. And after almost 19 years as a master barber and 12 years as a shop owner, I was the President of the Barber Board Of Nebraska for 5 YEARS.

I've taught HUNDREDS of barbers how to build their business successfully and TODAY, I want to show YOU how to do the same.

You DON’T Have To Spend Years Figuring It Out Like I Did. 

Not only will you not have to struggle for years, but you have a unique opportunity right now to get all of those clues, tricks, and secrets to FAST-TRACK your way to becoming a 6-figure Barbershop Business owner in NO TIME.

This Is The Inside Information That “Superstar” Barbershop Owners DON’T SHARE and DON’T Want You To Know AT ALL COSTS:

Barbers out who are making six-figures annually and they’re not all holed up in ritzy salons catering to the rich and the famous. 

Some of them are just normal barbers willing to do what it takes to boost their salary game.. And they’re doing everything possible to keep these “SECRETS” away from you.


n this Masterclass, I’ll show you the exact steps I took and you’ll be as busy as you can handle and you’ll feel accomplished knowing you’re becoming the most in-demand barber in the industry.

Take a look at this...

Take a look at these testimonials

 ** that prove it's success leaves clues**

Here's Exactly What You're
 Going To Get With Barbershop Secrets

The single most deadly trap you can fall into when starting your Barbershop Business (And it’s even worse the more talented you are) 

Why counting on “behind the chair” clients means you’ll go broke in the blink of an eye! 
(And how to generate income for your salon WITHOUT your presence ) 

WHY hiring the WRONG staff can be the kiss of death for your barbershop business
(no matter how much help you need. BEWARE!)

The single greatest, most profitable, skill every BARBER should develop
(if you want to actually grow a business and make your dreams come true)

What do “Superstar” barbers do differently… 
and why should you bother to learn the secrets? (The short answer is that it spells the difference between getting rich and dying poor!) 

Why there’s no prize for second place and how to go “all in” with your Barbershop
(By the end of this you’ll outsell everyone and be more in demand than barbers with “decades” of experience!)

How to get so many clients you’ll be booked out for MONTHS and have lines out the door and around the block
(And you’ll even need a WAITLIST to handle them all)

Simple changes you can make to your services to skyrocket your profits! 
(Miss this and you could be leaving thousands, hundreds of thousands, maybe even MILLIONS of lost profits on the table over time)

How to give yourself an INSTANT raise without spending a single extra minute working behind the chair!
(Do this and you can double, triple, even FIVE TIMES your profits like I have done so many times!) 

My “ULTIMATE Bullet Formula” to become the most talked about barber in Town
(This is literally the secret code to take even the most boring product or service and turn it into a sexy “gotta have it” proposition)

And That’s Not Even HALF What You’ll Discover Inside The Pages Of This Breakthrough Masterclass.

I’ll even show you step by step exactly how to automate your Barbershop Business completely and put it on “autopilot” so you won’t have to work an extra day… along with many of the other dangerous insider secrets that NO OTHER barber wants you to know.

There's no theory. There's no fluff. This is the real deal!

ACT NOW, and Get These Bonuses

✅ BONUS #1: Proven Highly Effective Templates to use For Business Plan Funding, Booth Rental Contracts, Marketing Templates...

✅ BONUS #2: My Personal "Profit & Loss Worksheet Template" Business Checklist to cover all your bases 

✅ BONUS #3: A Special Audio Interview "10 Secrets of Successful Client Building"

BONUS #4: 30-Minute interview done with Industry giant Ivan Zoot

BONUS #5: Owner Operators Insider Guide ($297 Value)

BONUS #6: Better Business Now ($399 Value)

✅ BONUS #7: Mindset Mastery Reset ($397 Value)

Get Onboard With Barbershop Secrets Now!

If you want to:
Open a Profitable Barbershop Business and make more money and impact 
Ready to build and scale a profitable and exciting barbershop / salon business
 Avoid The Big Mistakes That Cause Most People To Quit Before They Really Get Started

Then Take Action !

Total Value: $9,097


I also understand I have 30 Days To Put "Barbershop Secrets" to The Test

Look At What Others Are 

What Are Others Already Saying!!!

Millionaire Barber, Barber School Owner

"Lyle provides the inspirational and uplifting advice to unlock the strategies to become the CEO of your own company ."

Jennifer Y., Master Barber 

"The truth is that I am changing my mindset and business at the same time. I'm still working through my struggles, but with Lyle's uplifting advice in The Cutting Edge was a great investment that will surely pay results in a few months."

Bri, Barber

 I felt like it was speaking directly to me, from every aspect that I've been through in my past, and everything i want in my future! Lyle thank you! Your message is super inspiring.

Casanova B. Entrepreneur

If you especially want to level up, Lyle doesn't just talk about it, he knows business. Whether it's life, this business stuff, start up a barbershop, motivation, or if you need that clarity, this is the guy when you need somebody to show up, he has shown up for me and I know he'll do the same for you.

 Makayla D.

I am more confident about chasing my goals. Lyle inspired me to look at things from a different view.

Jasmine S.

I learned way more about fading and I feel so much more comfortable with it. Lyle actually explained it step by step

Katie K.

I enjoy attending Lyle’s class. It gave me a lot of tips to use with other fades and other haircuts as well.

Brandon R.

Lyle has instilled a sense of being and pursuing in my mentality.

Alyssa B.

After taking Lyle class I feel like I know what I need to do a fade, it is extremely helpful!

Nikki H.

I was having problems with fading, after learning from Lyle, I saw it done in class. It was very helpful.

Leslie W.

Best Educator we've had at College of Hair Design. Thanks.

Deonte G.

I love how humble Lyle is and I learned a lot from today’s experience. Seeing you do so well just makes me picture myself in those shoes. Appreciate you.

Daniel Mason

I'm really excited because I feel like this book can help anyone to get closer to what they want in business and life. With the Cutting Edge Experience a stylist will be more focused, and doing what they need to be successful as a barber or stylists.

Kendall K.

Very Informative! Lyle answered all the questions and then some! It was an awesome experience getting to watch and learn from him. He makes me super excited to start learning and practicing these techniques.

Kaitlyn S.

Very interesting! So motivational! Definitely makes you want to push yourself to the fullest. Listening to him really has shown me ways to gain that confidence!

Betsy H.

He makes it look easy!

Ashley S.

Every class I've been to of Lyle's has been really good. Thank you for the class. Always a good positive experience.

Cody H.

Lyle gave me even more pointers to be better.

Katrina A.

Learned Lyle’s skip a blade techniques and his 7 perfect points to a hairline more in depth. I'm now more confident.

Simeon H. 

Thank you for the information on the skip a blade and the perfect lineups.

Danae H.

You make it simple and much more sense on how to do the skip a blade system. Very helpful.
Arthur Lyle III

PS - Every minute you wait to get "Barbershop Secrets" is another minute you're giving other For Barber Stylist, Salon Owners to use this breakthrough home study course to quickly and easily Ready to build and scale a profitable and exciting barbershop / salon business.

AMES AVE #1042, OMAHA, NE 68104

Like I mentioned before, this book is free. All I ask is that you help me cover the printing and postage cost of $9.95 anywhere in the United States, $16.04 International!  Oh, and in case you're wondering...
I know there are some websites out there that offer you something cool for free, but then stick you into some programs that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them.

There's NO hidden "continuity program" - an in case your wondering why I'm doing this...

Well, there are actually a few reasons...

1. Its my way of saying thank you for being a dedicated subscriber.

2. Because (unlike other "guru's") I don't make all of the money teaching others how to make money (I actually run a real business selling not only haircuts but confidence to customers in my barbershop... so because of that, it doesn't hurt me to share with you my best stuff.

3. I get to put one of my products in your hands, and when you see how awesome it is, it should get you excited to buy other stuff from me in the future.

4. I'm kinda a show off...I'm not going to lie, I'm sick of throwing out conversion numbers and their stats without any real proof to back it up. I think 99% of what is said online is complete BS... so I thought it would be a breath of fresh air to publish the TRUE, game plan behind what I do, and well... honestly, I just want you to be successful
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